February 21, 2025

Advertising Options

Sports broadcasts are an effective way to spread the message about your business. If you’re seeking an audience of viewers who are young and interested in being active, that is exactly what we provide.

Our Youtube channel is growing all the time, currently generating about 50,000 views per year. Those viewers are mostly youthful, athletic members of society who have disposable income to properly compete and outfit their children to compete in the sport of their choice. People with money and who like to spend it on fun, cool stuff.

It’s an ideal market for just about any business.

Here are some examples of how your business and message can be spread among our audience:

1. Upper-Third Banners. They enter the action smoothly and with a sleek and modern look can push your slogans effectively with two different sizes:

2. Lower-Third Banners. They dominate the action as the game footage rests comfortably on top of this impressive and attractive beast. You can fit your logo here, too!

3. Commercials. You can provide the script and be the director, while we provide the equipment and personnel to realize your vision. Or you can present an idea and we can build the script for you. Or you can even have no script at all – just let the video tell the story of your business:

Sample with script:

Sample with no script:

Why you should advertise with MVP

1. Raise awareness of who you are and what you can do for people.
2. People have a habit of forgetting, but no one is forgetting Geico!
3. Your competitors aren’t going away.
4. Advertising gives strength and power to your identity.
6. Advertising “teases” your existing customers.